Monday, February 18, 2008

From the Eyes of my 3 Year Old

So, what happens when the mommy is sick?!?! ANYTHING!!!!
That's right.....they can do whatever they want for days on end!! I finally succumbed to Marsh's germs over the weekend. The flu stinks! I was in bed for all of Saturday and Zach came to me at one point and said "MOM! Can I use your camera?" I think I managed a small grunt which he took as a "Yes!" and off he went to shoot random pictures. I will include a few from his portfolio of 76 pictures!! I think he may have a future ahead of him!


Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Oh, do I know that feeling! I'm still trying to pick up the pieces from the few days the flu took residence in our house!

Royal Cuties said...

I love the pictures! Glad you could appreciate them even under adverse conditions. My mom has a 30 minute "wasted" video tape of "nothing" that Rob took when he was little. It's still a family favorite!

The Maxwell House said...

so sorry to hear you were sick. hope your feeling better. Love the photos. It's cool to see things through a child's eye. What we might view of a mess of cards on the floor, he thinks it would make a great picture.

ShaneBertou said...

Our four year old loves to take photos of things around the house. Surprisingly enough, his work looks very similar!