Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, today when I picked up Nate from school, the teacher motioned to me to come over.....oh, boy.....what did he do?!?!
She said "I have to tell you something funny that Nate said!"
Again.....what did he say?!
She said, "Today, we were discussing St Patty's Day and I asked the kids to go home and ask if they were Irish or not. One of the kids said "What is Irish?" and I told them that it was their heritage....for instance, their mom could be Irish or their dad could be Irish.....Nate raised his hand and when called on, he replied, "My dad is NOT Irish....he is a plumber!" Funny stuff!!!


Melissa said...

Hey Jenn. I read this to Jeff last night and we were cracking up. It should be written in one of those kids say funny things books. It was great.

J. Entwistle said...

you guys need to have your own reality show...or at least the boys do.

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Love it! Yesterday I had the most difficult time trying to explain to Allison how someone is Irish and how you know if you are Irish! No matter what I said, it was taken out of context or completely misunderstood! I think I could have explained being a plumber better!

Amber said...

That is funny. :) I forgot Marsh was a plumber. Please tell him thank you for the job he does!