Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Many pictures from Chincoteague!!!

Nate won the only prize at Ocean City. The coveted orange horsey!

Zach was the sky-ball master!

Joce, Kay and Marsh played a wicked Nascar driving, simulator, game....I will spare my husband the humiliation of telling you who came in 3rd.

Isnt this the best??!!!

Probably not the cleanest place to sit and eat our late night snack.....

Our car, loaded for the beach....think we gots enough stuff?!?!

Zach-jumping up and down on daddy's back.....

My sweet,sweet boys!

Nate telling Joce not to help him play Chicken Foot!!

Joce was sick with an ear infection on this morning.


Jess said...

I'm so glad to see pictures, finally! I wondered if you fell off the planet! The kids are gorgeous and looks like you some great times! Again, I can't help but see my future! Love you!

burtnbrdr11 said...

I miss summer....

Maria said...

Jen...the boys are sooo cute! I can't believe Nate's going into kind. already! Blessings to you all. Miss you~Maria