Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Gardener is Born??

Today, my wonderful, generous, Uncle Jeff came over and tilled up my yard so that we can plant our "first-ever" garden. I am a little nervous about the task at hand, since I have extremely hard shoes to fill!! My mother ALWAYS had the most amazing garden and I feel slightly (OK...really) intimidated! Thankfully, she has recently retired and will be 'overseeing' the entire project. Hopefully, I can learn from the best and it will be a HUGE success! You will know we have achieved greatness when I start asking you in you want any tomatoes!!!

(the bottom two pictures are of the rocks that the boys collected from the soil. So far, they have 102!! many to go.....)


Melissa said...

i just want to say thank you. because you asked my dad to help with the tilling, he came home and did mine! YAY!!!! good luck on the garden.

Royal Cuties said...

Have fun! My girls LOVE to garden with me. We don't usually know what we're doing, but it's fun and we'll try to grow anything once. The reward comes when your kids cheer to eat garden-fresh beets for dinner.

The Maxwell House said...

if you didn't say that that was uncle jeff, i would have thought that it was my dad... crazy