Friday, September 7, 2007

Weird Bug Sighting

So Zach's newest thing is driving around in the jeep in the front yard. He just drives in circles over and over. Today, I looked out the front door and saw him leaning out of the jeep looking at something. I said "Zach!! Whatcha looking at bud?" He said "mom!! Come here!!!" I did and wow was there a huge, huge wormy/catepillar thing..... Kay took it straight back up to school to her new science teacher, who promptly said " I teach Earth Science!!! Take it to the 7th grade science teacher!!!" Kay did and he said he wasnt sure what it was and to take it to the 7th grade English teacher whose husband is a "bug guy". She did and now that teacher is taking it home to hubby to see if he can get it to turn into something else and then we can "have it back". I dont think so!!! One visit from this guy was enough!!!


J. Entwistle said...

cool should "fear factor" it and take a big bite! you put of so many post so fast, I lost track. Hey i learned about the cremaster reflex, you should look that one up ;)

Mom To Jacob & Allison said...

Hey! Did you find out what it is? I'm hoping we don't see one anytime soon! Kinda looks like the caterpiller from "Bug's Life"!

The Maxwell House said...

let us all know what it is and what it does