Tuesday, May 27, 2008


First people in the campground pool this year!!! INSANE!!!

What could be better?

We had such a nice weekend away! We didn't get to Chincoteague til about 1230am on Thursday night/Friday Morning. Friday was a great day of relaxing at the pool and Yes!! my kids did get in the water!! 60 degree water!! yikes!!! We barbecued burgers and dogs for dinner and then had whippy for dessert. A perfect end to our day!
Saturday we hit the beach...brrrr....but the kids were in the water anyway! We had steaks on the grill with baked potatoes and fresh asparagus for dinner!! YUMMY!! A roaring bonfire with smores was the end to another perfect day!
Sunday, we hit the pool again and then headed to Maria for our favorite dinners. We also played some mini golf and got in some good laughs!! A last stop for the evening at the Creamery and some delicious Cake Batter ice cream to end the day!
Yesterday, we cleaned up around the camper and headed to the dock. Pop pop had already left, so I had to bait the hooks with live minnows...this was a task that I was not prepared for. Even though I had baited them 'backwards' according to Pop pop, Jocelyn was able to catch a flounder!! ( Of course, I forgot my camera, so no pictures!!) She was also the only one to catch a crab in the trap. It was Joce's day at the dock!!
We grabbed a bite at McD's, fed the horses and grabbed a cone on the way out of town.
Now, back to the grind....the final countdown to the end of the school year!! We are headed into our busy season of tournament softball so be on the lookout for new pictures soon of my star players!!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kay's Last Away Game

It is near the end of the school season and I realized that I hadnt taken any pictures yet. Kay has done a great job and really handled the pressure well of her first year on a middle school team! We are really proud of her and cant wait to see what the future holds for her middle school career!

Joce's spring show

Today was Jocelyn's spring show at school! She did a great job as usual and I loved not having to come up with a costume this year!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

National Honor Society

Tonight, our daughter was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. We could not have been more proud! It was a beautiful ceremony and she was presented with a pin and an official card. After the program was over, we went to Friendly's for ice cream. Memom and Julia joined us and we had lots of laughs!! Keep up the hard work Kayleigh!!! We love you!!!

veggies, veggies everywhere.....I hope!!!

Today was the day!!! Memom came over and the boys and I helped plant the garden!! We are hoping for a good crop in the coming months. Thanks Mom for all of your help and sharing your garden knowledge with us newbies!!

Keeps em busy!

Kay had her band concert last week and Nate asked if he could bring a few trains...
These are the photos of him playing at the school.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Crash and Burn

Nate and Zach were "crawling" in the hall last night as I was trying to get some sleep before work. This is what followed and you can probably guess that my hour of rest ended there....
(He is still resembling Angelina Jolie today!!)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Funny boys

So on the way home from Mom's Time Out this morning, Nate decided he wanted to play the "question game". This game consists of me asking the boys questions and then them saying "BING" or "BUZZ" and answering. It is normally simple questions like "What is your favorite color?" or "Who is your best friend?". Today, one of the things that I asked them was "What is your middle name?". Nate thought about this and thought about this and then finally said "BUZZ!" "Mine is PIE!" Pie?? Then I caught on..... Nate's nickname at home is Natiepie! Funny boys!!

Amazing Girls

I had heard about this game on our local K-Love station and thought I would share it with all of you.